miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Homework: English (25/03/2020)

Good morning kiddos!

For today's online class I would like you to do:


----> Revision Worksheet of Unit 6 from the VOCABULARY of the Unit IN REAL SITUATION. Sell CRAFTS in the STREET MARKET.

This activity can be done with the mobile phone or tablet (editing the picture using "the pen") or in your English notebook copying the answers.

-----> And here the video, so you can see a CRAFTS Festival and practice the vocabulary.

This is it for today. 

Thank you! ;)

Mr. Arnedo 

Nuevo Google Classroom - Welcome Back from HOLIDAYS

NUEVO CÓDIGO CLASE DE 5* Primaria en Google Classroom (con la cuenta de @alu.murciaeduca.es)                   qi47pal _______________...